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Процесс подачи заявки испытуемыми в Центр по развитию

Здесь представлена 1 часть "Процесса подачи заявки испытуемыми в Центр по развитию" под названием "Личные и общие знания" или "FORMS-EN-2873-FORM" (50 вопросов о том, что происходило до и после) размещенные на ApertureScience.com. Эту анкету испытуемые должны заполнить, прежде чем идти на испытания.
Непосредственно вставленные скриншоты. Они разделены для лучшего чтения.

If you are a first time applicant, please type \"CONTINUE\".

DISREGARD THIS INSTRUCTION if you are returning to form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM after a break of any duration for any reason. In that
case, you MUST contact your supervisor before proceeding.Your

supervisor will solicit your Authorized Administrative Unit for an affirmative injunction to type \"CONTINUE\".

If permission to type \"CONTINUE\" has been granted, please do so now, unless the box labeled \"DO NOT TYPE CONTINUE\" on the \"Forms Re-Sanction\" form you should have received from your supervisor is checked, in which case you should remain at your workstation not typing \"CONTINUE\" until such a time as you are instructed by your supervisor to discontinue not typing it.


Копия UIN(+L) дается всем испытуемым перед началом теста.
Below is your form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM Unique Identity Number (Plus Letters)


Please memorize your UIN(+L), as you may be required to recite it from memory as proof. The opening and closing braces are decorative and should not be memorized.

When you are finished memorizing your case sensitive UIN(+L), type \"CONTINUE\" to proceed.

Страница 1

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 1

If given a choice, what would you like to be called?

Страница 2

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 2

It is important to consult a physician before starting an Aperture Science Enrichment Center program. If one or more of the statements listed below applies to you, please contact your supervisor to secure permission to consult a physician before beginning an Enrichment Center program. Pick the condition that most applies to you.

1] dizziness
2] shortness of breath
3] problems waking up in the morning
4] problems staying up 48 hours straight
5] have not previously performed an enrichment center program

Страница 3

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 3

Sally, Dwayne, Anthony, David, and Franklin are, collectively, exactly 10 years apart in age. Sally's is two years older than David. David's favorite letter is 'g'. Anthony's favorite letter is also 'g', but Dwayne has no preference, insisting that he likes all the letters equally except for 's'. What is Franklin's favorite letter?

01] a
02] b
03] c
04] d
05] e
06] f
07] g
08] h
09] i
10] j
11] k
12] l
13] m
14] n
15] o
16] p
17] q
18] r
19] t
20] u
21] v
22] w
23] x
24] y
25] z

Страница 4

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 4

Which of the following best describes your pain?

1] Nondescript
2] Shooting
3] Stabbing
4] Burning
5] Prickly
6] Aching
7] Sharp
8] Dull

Страница 5

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 5

What is your favorite color?
01] Peach-orange
02] Powder blue
03] Cyan
04] Chartreuse
05] Jade
06] Dark coral
07] Navy blue
08] Pale mauve
09] Linen
10] Dark goldenrod
11] Pumpkin
12] Dark cerulean
13] Zinnwaldite
14] Rust
15] Lavender Blush
16] Green
17] Lilac
18] Blue
19] Midnight Blue
20] Tan
21] Carmine
22] Amber
23] Indigo
24] Pale red-violet
25] Lemon Cream
26] Pale chestnut
27] Bondi Blue
28] Gamboge
29] Gold
30] Steel blue
31] Tangerine
32] Lime
33] Seashell
34] Pale pink
35] Dark turquoise
36] Pale cornflower blue
37] Denim
38] Emerald
39] Burnt Sienna
40] Buff
41] Brown
42] Pear
43] Orangatang Red
44] Chestnut
45] Cerulean
46] Dark Tea Green
47] Dark salmon
48] Sandy brown
49] Dark tan
50] Pine Green
51] Flax
52] Ochre
53] Bronze
54] Klein Blue
55] Pale Sandy Brown
56] Teal
57] Azure
58] Dark Terra cotta
59] International orange
60] Red
61] Orange
62] Safety Orange
63] Coral
64] Scarlet
65] Light brown
66] Olive Drab
67] Magenta
68] Bistre
69] Cerulean blue
70] Dodger blue
71] Cobalt
72] Violet-eggplant
73] Amethyst
74] Sapphire
75] Ultramarine
76] Fuchsia
77] Heliotrope
78] Cinnamon
79] Chocolate
80] Goldenrod
81] Sea Green
82] Pastel pink
83] Persian blue
84] Mountbatten pink
85] Pale carmine
86] Bright green
87] Turquoise
88] Gray
89] Gray-Tea Green
90] Dark blue
91] Cerise
92] Pale brown
93] Green-yellow
94] Raw umber
95] Lavender

Страница 6

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 6

How do others describe your education?

01] Nursery School
02] Grade School
03] Junior High
04] High School
05] Some College
06] Associates Degree
07] Bachelors
08] Graduate Degree
09] PhD / Post Doctoral
10] None

Страница 7

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 7

What is your current living situation?

1] Live Alone
2] Live With Roommate (s)
3] Live With Kids
4] Live With Parents

Страница 8

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 8

Do you require any jewelry for health reasons?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 9

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 9

Do you require socks to be part of your uniform?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 10

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 10

Do you prefer long or short sleeves?

1] Long Sleeves
2] Short Sleeves
3] Sleeveless / Shirtless / No Preference

Страница 11

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 11

Does your illness prevent you from working?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 12

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 12

Not including periods of mandatory silence, what is the longest you have gone voluntarily without talking?

1] 1 Day
2] 2-5 Days
3] 7-14 Days
4] 14-30 Days
5] 30-90 Days
6] 90 Days - 6 Months
7] 1 Year
8] Greater Than 1 Year

Страница 13

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 13

Do you require music to perform simple tasks?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 14

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 14

Your favorite color is:
01] Camouflage green
02] Sangria
03] Salmon
04] Pale magenta
05] Swamp green
06] Pastel green
07] Carrot
08] Burgundy
09] Mint Green
10] Wheat
11] Aqua
12] Thistle
13] Vermilion
14] School bus yellow
15] Khaki
16] Cornflower blue
17] Dark light blue
18] Dark slate gray
19] Mustard
20] Hot pink
21] Dark pastel green
22] Dark brown
23] Papaya whip
24] Dark spring green
25] Cooked umber
26] Dark chestnut
27] Dark Khaki
28] Russet
29] Burnt umber
30] Wisteria
31] Beige
32] Selective yellow
33] Viridian
34] Old Gold
35] Mauve
36] Dark violet
37] Dark pink
38] Aquamarine
39] Slate gray
40] Royal Blue
41] Terra cotta
42] Blaze Orange
43] Dark Indigo
44] Violet
45] Dark tangerine
46] Saffron
47] Olive
48] Tenné
49] Peach
50] Maroon
51] Silver
52] Robin egg blue
53] Pink
54] Asparagus
55] Purple
56] Pale Blue
57] Dark green
58] Yankee Yellow
59] Navajo white
60] Fern green
61] Bright violet
62] Corn
63] Eggplant
64] Bright turquoise
65] Gray-asparagus
66] Moss green
67] Taupe
68] Dark Olive
69] Red-violet
70] Burnt Orange
71] Orchid
72] Peach-yellow
73] Spring Green
74] Lemon
75] Puce
76] Periwinkle
77] Celadon
78] Dark Scarlet
79] Yellow
80] Black
81] Alizarin Crimson
82] Prussian blue
83] Malachite
84] Dark Peach
85] White
86] Brass
87] Cardinal
88] Alice Blue
89] Cream
90] Tea Green
91] Sepia
92] Crimson
93] Copper
94] Pink-orange

Страница 15

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 15

Lying about my favorite color makes me feel:

1] Sorry
2] Not Sorry

Страница 16

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 16

Are you plagued by suspicions that other people, including coworkers and
relatives, may be doing things behind your back that will hurt you?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 17

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 17

What is your favorite meal?

1] Lunch
2] Dinner

Страница 18

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 18

Which pre-Christian mathematician is not correctly matched to his home city?
01] Thales of Miletus
02] Anaximander of Miletus
03] Pythagoras of Samos
04] Anaximenes of Miletus
05] Cleostratus of Tenedos
06] Anaxagoras of Clazomenae
07] Zeno of Elea
08] Antiphon of Rhamnos
09] Oenopides of Chios
10] Hippocrates of Chios
11] Hippias of Elis
12] Theodorus of Cyrene
13] Philolaus of Croton
14] Democritus of Abdera
15] Hippasus of Metapontum
16] Archytas of Tarentum
17] Theaetetus of Athens
18] Leodamas of Thasos
19] Eudoxus of Cnidos
20] Callipus of Cyzicus
21] Xenocrates of Chalcedon
22] Heraclides of Pontus
23] Bryson of Heraclea
24] Theudius of Magnesia
25] Eudemus of Rhodes
26] Autolycus of Pitane
27] Aristarchus of Samos
28] Archimedes of Syracuse
29] Philo of Byzantium
30] Nicoteles of Cyrene
31] Eratosthenes of Cyrene
32] Conon of Samos
33] Apollonius of Perga
34] Dositheus of Alexandria
35] Dionysodorus of Amisus
36] Diocles of Carystus
37] Hypsicles of Alexandria
38] Hipparchus of Nicaea
39] Zeno of Sidon
40] Geminus of Rhodes

Страница 19

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 19

Please choose the description that best describes your personality:

01] Childish
02] Oafish
03] Stolid
04] Timid
05] Reserved
06] Conceited
07] Scornful
08] Boastful
09] Sleepy
10] Stable

Страница 20

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 20

A cake can be sliced into more than seven pieces by making only four diameter cuts through its center.

1] True
2] False

Страница 21

Эта форма - список из 2314 животных, просмотренных при помощи клавиш PageUp и PageDown.
Распространенная на 3 страницах и содержащая 60 пунктов. Вопрос и инструкции приведены здесь только один раз, для ясности.
Список на самом деле только отображает 1345 пунктов, в то время как файл SWF содержит полный список, который включает в себя 2313 пунктов, а не 2314. Это, кажется, частичное копирование / вставка индекса найденного на сайте AnimalPicturesArchives, который содержит не только животных.
Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 21

Other than a large egret, what wild animal would you like to domesticate? NOTE: Several
choices, including, but not limited to, 'Large Egret', may trigger an investigation. Your
supervisor has no further information about instigating animals or the investigatory
process, though, upon request, your supervisor can provide further details about his or
her authorized prophylactic unfamiliarity with procedure.
0001] Aardvark
0002] Aardwolf
0003] Abalone
0004] Abyssinian cat
0005] Achilles tang
0006] Acorn barnacle
0007] Acorn weevil
0008] Acorn woodpecker
0009] Adams stag-horned beetle
0010] Addax
0011] Adelie penguin
0012] Admiral butterfly
0013] African augur buzzard
0014] African bush viper
0015] African civet
0016] African clawed frog
0017] African elephant
0018] African fish eagle
0019] African golden cat
0020] African ground hornbill
0021] African harrier hawk
0022] African hornbill
0023] African jacana
0024] African mole snake
0025] African pied kingfisher
0026] African porcupine
0027] African rock python
0028] African wild cat
0029] African wild dog
0030] Agama
0031] Agouti
0032] Airedale
0033] Aisan pied starling
0034] Akita
0035] Alabama map turtle
0036] Alaska jingle
0037] Albacore tuna
0038] Albatross
0039] Albertosaurus
0040] Albino
0041] Aldabra tortoise
0042] Allens big-eared bat
0043] Alligator gar
0044] Alligator snapping turtle
0045] Allosaurus
0046] Alpaca
0047] Amazon dolphin
0048] Amazon parrot
0049] Amazon tree boa
0050] Amber pen shell
0051] American alligator
0052] American avocet
0053] American badger
0054] American bittern
0055] American black vulture
0056] American cicada
0057] American crayfish
0058] American crocodile
0059] American crow
0060] American goldfinch

0105] Aquatic leech
0106] Arabian oryx
0107] Arabian wild cat
0108] Aracari
0109] Archaeocete
0110] Archaeopteryx
0111] Archer fish
0112] Arctic fox
0113] Arctic hare
0114] Arctic wolf
0115] Argali
0116] Argentine horned frog
0117] Argentine ruddy duck
0118] Argus fish
0119] Ariel toucan
0120] Arizona alligator lizard
0121] Ark shell
0122] Armadillo
0123] Armed crab
0124] Armed nylon shrimp
0125] Army ant
0126] Arrow crab
0127] Arrow worm
0128] Arrowana
0129] Asian constable butterfly
0130] Asian damselfly
0131] Asian elephant
0132] Asian lion
0133] Asian porcupine
0134] Asian small-clawed otter
0135] Asian trumpetfish
0136] Asian water buffalo
0137] Asiatic mouflon
0138] Asiatic wild ass
0139] Assassin bug
0140] Astarte
0141] Astrangia coral
0142] Atlantic black goby
0143] Atlantic blue tang
0144] Atlantic ridley turtle
0145] Atlantic sharpnose puffer
0146] Atlantic spadefish
0147] ATLAS moth
0148] Auk
0149] Aurochs
0150] Australian curlew
0151] Australian fur seal
0152] Australian kestrel
0153] Australian shelduck
0154] Australian Silky Terrier
0155] Avocet
0156] Axis deer
0157] Axolotl
0158] Aye-aye
0159] Aztec ant
0160] Azure-winged magpie
0161] Azure vase
0162] Babacoot
0163] Babirusa
0164] Baboon

0209] Basset
0210] Bat-eared fox
0211] Bateleur
0212] Bay scallop
0213] Beach flea
0214] Beagle
0215] Bean goose
0216] Bear
0217] Bearded barbet
0218] Bearded dragon
0219] Bearded seal
0220] Beaver
0221] Bee-eater
0222] Bee
0223] Beetle
0224] Belted kingfisher
0225] Beluga whale
0226] Bengal cat
0227] Bengal monitor
0228] Bengal tiger
0229] Bennett's tree kangaroo
0230] Bennett's wallaby
0231] Bentnose macoma
0232] Betta fish
0233] Bewick's wren
0234] Bharal
0235] Bichon Friese
0236] Big brown bat
0237] Big cat
0238] Bighorn sheep
0239] Billbug
0240] Binturong
0241] Bird-voiced treefrog
0242] Bird
0243] Bison
0244] Black-and-yellow Argiope
0245] Black-backed gull
0246] Black-backed jackal
0247] Black-billed magpie
0248] Black-browed albatross
0249] Black-browed reed warbler
0250] Black-capped chickadee
0251] Black-capped conure
0252] Black-capped kingfisher
0253] Black-chinned hummingbird
0254] Black-crowned night heron
0255] Black-faced spoonbill
0256] Black-footed albatross
0257] Black-footed ferret
0258] Black-headed grosbeak
0259] Black-headed gull
0260] Black-headed python
0261] Black-legged katydid
0262] Black-legged kittiwake
0263] Black-masked lovebird
0264] Black-naped oriole
0265] Black-necked grebe
0266] Black-shouldered kite
0267] Black-spotted frog
0268] Black-striped field mouse

0313] Bleeding tooth
0314] Blenny
0315] Blesbok
0316] Blood python
0317] Blood sea star
0318] Blood shrimp
0319] Blood worm
0320] Blue-crowned motmot
0321] Blue-gray gnatcatcher
0322] Blue-speckled prawn-goby
0323] Blue-spotted stingray
0324] Blue-striped snapper
0325] Blue-throated hummingbird
0326] Blue and gold macaw
0327] Blue butterfly
0328] Blue crane
0329] Blue crowned pigeon
0330] Blue footed booby
0331] Blue gray tanager
0332] Blue grosbeak
0333] Blue heron
0334] Blue jay
0335] Blue leaf beetle
0336] Blue mandarin fish
0337] Blue marlin
0338] Blue parrotfish
0339] Blue penguin
0340] Blue poison frog
0341] Blue reeffish
0342] Blue ringed octopus
0343] Blue shark
0344] Blue tit
0345] Blue tongue skink
0346] Blue waxbill
0347] Blue whale
0348] Bluebird
0349] Bluegill
0350] Bluehead wrasse
0351] Bluestriped grunt
0352] Bluethroat
0353] Boa
0354] Boar
0355] Boat-tailed grackle
0356] Bobcat
0357] Bobolink
0358] Bobwhite quail
0359] Bog turtle
0360] Bohemian waxwing
0361] Bongo
0362] Bontebok
0363] Booby
0364] Boreal owl
0365] Borneo blood python
0366] Borzoi
0367] Boston terrier
0368] Botfly
0369] Bottle nosed dolphin
0370] Bowerbird
0371] Box turtle
0372] Boxer

0417] Bumblebee moth
0418] Bunting
0419] Burmese cat
0420] Burmese python
0421] Burrowing owl
0422] Bush dog
0423] Bush pig
0424] Bushbuck
0425] Butterfly
0426] Butterflyfish
0427] Buzzard
0428] Cactus wren
0429] Caddisfly
0430] Caiman
0431] Cairn terrier
0432] California chipmunk
0433] California condor
0434] California sea lion
0435] California towhee
0436] Calliope hummingbird
0437] Camel
0438] Canada goose
0439] Canada warbler
0440] Canary Island lizard
0441] Cantil
0442] Canvasback duck
0443] Cape Barren goose
0444] Cape buffalo
0445] Cape gannet
0446] Cape petrel
0447] Capercaillie
0448] Capuchin
0449] Capybara
0450] Caracal
0451] Caracara
0452] Cardinal
0453] Cardinal honeyeater
0454] Cardinal tetra
0455] Caribbean reef shark
0456] Caribou
0457] Carmine bee-eater
0458] Carolina chickadee
0459] Carolina mantis
0460] Carolina parakeet
0461] Carpenter ant
0462] Carpenter bee
0463] Carpet python
0464] Carpet shark
0465] Carrion crow
0466] Cassin's finch
0467] Cassowary
0468] Cat-eyed snake
0469] Caterpillar
0470] Catfish
0471] Cattle egret
0472] Cavy
0473] Cecropia moth
0474] Cedar waxwing
0475] Centipede
0476] Cerulean warbler

0521] Clouded leopard
0522] Clown stink bug
0523] Clown triggerfish
0524] Clownfish
0525] Coachwhip
0526] Coastal plains milk snake
0527] Coati
0528] Cobra
0529] Cock-of-the-rock
0530] Cockatiel
0531] Cockatoo
0532] Cockchafer
0533] Cockroach
0534] Coelacanth
0535] Collared aracari
0536] Collared Inca hummingbird
0537] Collared lizard
0538] Collared peccary
0539] Collie
0540] Colubus monkey
0541] Common angwantibo
0542] Common black kite
0543] Common cabbage butterfly
0544] Common carp
0545] Common chiffchaff
0546] Common comma butterfly
0547] Common cormorant
0548] Common dolphin
0549] Common eland
0550] Common glider butterfly
0551] Common goldeneye
0552] Common grackle
0553] Common ground dove
0554] Common ground skink
0555] Common gull
0556] Common jay
0557] Common kingfisher
0558] Common kingsnake
0559] Common Korean bitterling
0560] Common lionfish
0561] Common loon
0562] Common map turtle
0563] Common merganser
0564] Common mongoose
0565] Common murre
0566] Common nighthawk
0567] Common pinktoe tarantula
0568] Common pipistrelle
0569] Common quail
0570] Common shelduck
0571] Common snapping turtle
0572] Common snipe
0573] Common teal
0574] Common tern
0575] Common toad
0576] Common wasp
0577] Common woolly monkey
0578] Conch
0579] Condor
0580] Cone shell

0625] Crowned crane
0626] Crowned lemur
0627] Crowned pigeon
0628] Crucian carp
0629] Cuban Amazon parrot
0630] Cuban conure
0631] Cuban crocodile
0632] Cuban hutia
0633] Cuckoo
0634] Curlew
0635] Cuscus
0636] Cuttlefish
0637] Cuvier's dwarf caiman
0638] Dachshund
0639] Daddy longlegs
0640] Daisy coral
0641] Dall sheep
0642] Dalmatian
0643] Dama gazelle
0644] Damselfly
0645] Dapple gray horse
0646] Dark-eyed junco
0647] Dark chub
0648] Darwin frog
0649] Darwin's leaf-eared mouse
0650] Daurian myna
0651] Daurian redstart
0652] Day gecko
0653] Deep ocean fish
0654] Deep sea hatchetfish
0655] Deep sea shrimp
0656] Deer
0657] Deer mouse
0658] Degu
0659] Deinonychus
0660] Demoiselle crane
0661] Desert cottontail rabbit
0662] Desert fox
0663] Desert kingsnake
0664] Desert tortoise
0665] Desert whipsnake
0666] Dhole
0667] Diamond fish
0668] Diamondback rattlesnake
0669] Diamondback terrapin
0670] Diamondback watersnake
0671] Dice snake
0672] Dik-dik
0673] Dilophosaurus
0674] Dimetrodon
0675] Dingo
0676] Dinosaur
0677] Dione's ratsnake
0678] Diplodocus
0679] Dog
0680] Dolly varden
0681] Dolphin
0682] Donkey
0683] Dorado
0684] Dotted gizzard shad

0729] Egyptian cobra
0730] Egyptian goose
0731] Egyptian plover
0732] Egyptian vulture
0733] Eider
0734] Electric eel
0735] Elephant
0736] Elephant seal
0737] Elephant shrew
0738] Elk
0739] Emeral damselfly
0740] Emerald tree boa
0741] Emperor dart butterfly
0742] Emperor dragonfly
0743] Emperor goose
0744] Emperor moth
0745] Emperor newt
0746] Emperor penguin
0747] Emu
0748] Ensatina salamander
0749] Equador pinktoe tarantula
0750] Erckel's francolin
0751] Ermine
0752] Eurasian badger
0753] Eurasian black vulture
0754] Eurasian blackbird
0755] Eurasian cuckoo
0756] Eurasian curlew
0757] Eurasian eagle owl
0758] Eurasian harvest mouse
0759] Eurasian kestrel
0760] Eurasian lynx
0761] Eurasian red dragonfly
0762] Eurasian red squirrel
0763] Eurasian river otter
0764] Eurasian sparrowhawk
0765] Eurasian white spoonbill
0766] European brown shrimp
0767] European earwig
0768] European eel
0769] European garden spider
0770] European goldfinch
0771] European hedgehog
0772] European large crane fly
0773] European lynx
0774] European May cockchafer
0775] European polecat
0776] European rabbit
0777] European red kite
0778] European robin
0779] European roller
0780] European stag beetle
0781] European tree frog
0782] European water shrew
0783] European white stork
0784] European wild cat
0785] Evening bat
0786] Evening grosbeak
0787] Eyelash viper
0788] Fairy pitta

0833] Fossa
0834] Four-horned antelope
0835] Foureye butterflyfish
0836] Fox
0837] Fox snake
0838] Fox squirrel
0839] Francolin
0840] Free-tailed bat
0841] French angelfish
0842] Freshwater crayfish
0843] Freshwater mandarin fish
0844] Freshwater ray
0845] Frigate bird
0846] Frilled lizard
0847] Frog
0848] Frogfish
0849] Froghopper
0850] Fruit bat
0851] Fruit dove
0852] Fruit fly
0853] Fulmar
0854] Fulvous tree duck
0855] Funnel-web spider
0856] Fur seal
0857] Gaboon viper
0858] Gadwall
0859] Galah
0860] Galapagos giant tortoise
0861] Galapagos Penguin
0862] Galapagos sea lion
0863] Gallinule
0864] Gang-gang cockatoo
0865] Gannet
0866] Gannet's test
0867] Garter snake
0868] Gaur
0869] Gavial
0870] Gazelle
0871] Gecko
0872] Gelada baboon
0873] Gentoo penguin
0874] Gerenuk
0875] German shepherd
0876] Ghost-faced bat
0877] Ghost bat
0878] Ghost pipefish
0879] Giant abalone
0880] Giant anteater
0881] Giant armadillo
0882] Giant eagle owl
0883] Giant eland
0884] Giant Pacific octopus
0885] Giant panda
0886] Gibbon
0887] Giganotosaurus
0888] Gila monster
0889] Gila woodpecker
0890] Giraffe
0891] Glass frog
0892] Glassy sweeper

0937] Grant's zebra
0938] Grass snake
0939] Grassfinch
0940] Grasshopper
0941] Gray-backed myna
0942] Gray-banded kingsnake
0943] Gray-headed albatross
0944] Gray-headed kingfisher
0945] Gray-headed kite
0946] Gray falcon
0947] Gray fox
0948] Gray go-away bird
0949] Gray hawk
0950] Gray heron
0951] Gray jay
0952] Gray parrot
0953] Gray partridge
0954] Gray reef shark
0955] Gray seal
0956] Gray squirrel
0957] Gray starling
0958] Gray treefrog
0959] Gray whale
0960] Gray wolf
0961] Grayling
0962] Great-tailed grackle
0963] Great blue heron
0964] Great crested grebe
0965] Great Dane
0966] Great gray owl
0967] Great horned owl
0968] Great kiskadee
0969] Great knot
0970] Great Plains toad
0971] Great reed warbler
0972] Great slug
0973] Great tit
0974] Great white shark
0975] Greater bilby
0976] Greater dormouse
0977] Greater glider
0978] Greater kudu
0979] Greater long-eared bat
0980] Greater pied kingfisher
0981] Greater praire chicken
0982] Greater scaup
0983] Greater tenrec
0984] Grebe
0985] Green-backed heron
0986] Green-cheeked conure
0987] Green-winged macaw
0988] Green-winged pytilia
0989] Green anaconda
0990] Green anole
0991] Green aracari
0992] Green billbug
0993] Green frog
0994] Green hermit hummingbird
0995] Green heron
0996] Green iguana

1041] Hammerkop
1042] Hamster
1043] Hanuman langur
1044] Harbor seal
1045] Hard coral
1046] Hare
1047] Harlequin bug
1048] Harlequin duck
1049] Harlequin poison frog
1050] Harlequin shrimp
1051] Harp seal
1052] Harpy eagle
1053] Harris hawk
1054] Hartebeest
1055] Harvest mouse
1056] Hawaiian goose
1057] Hawaiian hawk
1058] Hawfinch
1059] Hawksbill turtle
1060] Hazel grouse
1061] Head
1062] Hedgehog
1063] Heermann's gull
1064] Hermit crab
1065] Heron
1066] Herring gull
1067] High-hat
1068] Hill mynah
1069] Himalayan cat
1070] Himalayan tahr
1071] Hippopotamus
1072] Hoary bat
1073] Hoary marmot
1074] Hoatzin
1075] Hog deer
1076] Hognose snake
1077] Hollow-faced bat
1078] Honeybee
1079] Honeycomb filefish
1080] Honeyeater
1081] Hooded crane
1082] Hooded crow
1083] Hooded merganser
1084] Hooded seal
1085] Hook-billed kite
1086] Hoopoe
1087] Hornbill
1088] Horned adder
1089] Horned grebe
1090] Horned lark
1091] Horned lizard
1092] Horned puffin
1093] Horse
1094] Horse fly
1095] Horseshoe crab
1096] Horseshoe whipsnake
1097] Hose-horned viper
1098] House finch
1099] House fly
1100] House mouse

1145] Jamaican ruddy duck
1146] Jamaican woodpecker
1147] Japanese flat aphid
1148] Japanese grosbeak
1149] Japanese John dory
1150] Japanese marten
1151] Japanese monkey
1152] Japanese robin
1153] Japanese serow
1154] Japanese water scorpion
1155] Japanese waxwing
1156] Japanese white-eye
1157] Java green peacock
1158] Javan rhinoceros
1159] Javelin sand boa
1160] Jay
1161] Jellyfish
1162] Jenday conure
1163] Jerboa
1164] Jewel beetle
1165] Jindogae
1166] Juan Fernandez fur seal
1167] Jumping spider
1168] Jumping viper
1169] Jungle cat
1170] Jungle crow
1171] Juniper shield bug
1172] Kangaroo
1173] Katydid
1174] Kea parrot
1175] Keel-billed toucan
1176] Keeshond
1177] Kentish plover
1178] Kerabau water buffalo
1179] Kestrel
1180] Killdeer
1181] Killer whale
1182] King cheetah
1183] King eider
1184] King parrot
1185] King penguin
1186] King rail
1187] King salmon
1188] King vulture
1189] Kingfisher
1190] Kingsnake
1191] Kissing gourami
1192] Kit fox
1193] Kite
1194] Kitten
1195] Kiwi
1196] Klipspringer
1197] Knysna turaco
1198] Koala
1199] Kodiak bear
1200] Komodo dragon
1201] Kookaburra
1202] Koran angelfish
1203] Korea
1204] Korean alpine grasshopper

1249] Ladybug
1250] Lamb
1251] Lammergeier
1252] Langur monkey
1253] Lanner
1254] Lapland longspur
1255] Lappet-faced vulture
1256] Lapwing
1257] Large copper butterfly
1258] Large egret
1259] Large tree shrew
1260] Largemouth bass
1261] Lark
1262] Laughing gull
1263] Laughing kookaburra
1264] Lava heron
1265] Laysan albatross
1266] Lazuli bunting
1267] Leaf-cutter ant
1268] Leaf-eared mouse
1269] Leaf beetle
1270] Leaf fish
1271] Leaf nosed bat
1272] Leafhopper
1273] Leafy seadragon
1274] Least weasel
1275] Leatherback turtle
1276] Lemming
1277] Lemon shark
1278] Lemur
1279] Leopard
1280] Leopard frog
1281] Leopard gecko
1282] Leopard lizard
1283] Leopard seal
1284] Leopard shark
1285] Lesser flamingo
1286] Lesser goldfinch
1287] Lesser Japanese mole
1288] Lesser kestrel
1289] Lesser kudu
1290] Lesser mouse lemur
1291] Lesser prairie chicken
1292] Lesser scaup
1293] Lesser sheathbill
1294] Lesser sooty owl
1295] Lesser tree shrew
1296] Lesser white-nosed guenon
1297] Lettered aracari
1298] Liger
1299] Lijster
1300] Lilac-breasted roller
1301] Lilacine Amazon parrot
1302] Lion-tailed macaque
1303] Lion
1304] Lionfish
1305] Little bee-eater
1306] Little blue heron
1307] Little brown bat
1308] Little egret

1353] Madeiran wall lizard
1354] Magellan goose
1355] Magellanic penguin
1356] Malachite kingfisher
1357] Malachite sunbird
1358] Malayan tapir
1359] Mallard
1360] Mamba
1361] Mammal
1362] Mammoth
1363] Manatee
1364] Manchurian trout
1365] Mandarin duck
1366] Mandrill
1367] Maned wolf
1368] Mangrove monitor
1369] Manila clam
1370] Mannikin
1371] Manta
1372] Mantis
1373] Manx cat
1374] Map turtle
1375] Marabou stork
1376] Marbled cat
1377] Marbled grouper
1378] Marbled salamander
1379] Marbled spider
1380] Margay
1381] Mariana fruit dove
1382] Mariana's fruit bat
1383] Marlin
1384] Marmoset
1385] Marmot
1386] Marsh harrier
1387] Marsh wren
1388] Marsupial mole
1389] Marten
1390] Martial eagle
1391] Masked booby
1392] Masked palm civet
1393] Mastiff bat
1394] Masu salmon
1395] Mata-mata turtle
1396] Matschie's tree kangaroo
1397] Maximillian turtle
1398] Mazarine blue butterfly
1399] Meadow bunting
1400] Meadow lark
1401] Meerkat
1402] Merganser
1403] Merlin
1404] Merrens false viper
1405] Mexican gray wolf
1406] Mexican python
1407] Midwest worm snake
1408] Military macaw
1409] Milk snake
1410] Milkweed beetle
1411] Millipede
1412] Mink

1457] Narcissus flycatcher
1458] Narrow-winged mantis
1459] Nassau grouper
1460] Nautilus
1461] Near East viper
1462] Neon goby
1463] New Caledonia bumpy gecko
1464] New Guinea turtle
1465] New Zealand fur seal
1466] New Zealand robin
1467] New Zealand scaup
1468] Newt
1469] Nicobar pigeon
1470] Night monkey
1471] Nile crocodile
1472] Nile lechwe antelope
1473] Nile monitor
1474] Nilgai antelope
1475] Nine-banded armadillo
1476] North American porcupine
1477] Northern dwarf tree frog
1478] Northern elephant seal
1479] Northern fur seal
1480] Northern gannet
1481] Northern harrier
1482] Northern ringneck snake
1483] Northern sea lion
1484] Northern shrike
1485] Northern slimy salamander
1486] Northern snakehead
1487] Northern snapping turtle
1488] Northwestern garter snake
1489] Norway rat
1490] Nudibranch
1491] Numbat
1492] Nurse shark
1493] Nutcracker
1494] Nuthatch
1495] Nutria
1496] Nyala
1497] Oceanic gecko
1498] Ocelot
1499] Octopus
1500] Okapi
1501] Old English sheepdog
1502] Oldsquaw
1503] Oldwife
1504] Olive ridley turtle
1505] Olympic salamander
1506] Opossum
1507] Orange-bellied parrot
1508] Orange-cheeked waxbill
1509] Orange-winged Amazon
1510] Orangutan
1511] Oribi
1512] Oriental dragon
1513] Oriental turtle dove
1514] Oriental white stork
1515] Oriole
1516] Oryx

1561] Pearl cichlid
1562] Pearl kite
1563] Peccary
1564] Pederson cleaner shrimp
1565] Pegasus
1566] Pekinese
1567] Pelican
1568] Penguin
1569] Peregrine falcon
1570] Periwinkle
1571] Perppermint shrimp
1572] Persian cat
1573] Phascogale
1574] Pheasant
1575] Philippine crocodile
1576] Pied-billed grebe
1577] Pied avocet
1578] Pied flycatcher
1579] Pied kingfisher
1580] Pig-nosed turtle
1581] Pig
1582] Pigeon
1583] Piglet
1584] Pika
1585] Pike
1586] Pileated woodpecker
1587] Pilot whale
1588] Pin-tailed sandgrouse
1589] Pin-tailed whydah
1590] Pine Barrens treefrog
1591] Pine grosbeak
1592] Pine marten
1593] Pine needle gall midge
1594] Pine Woods treefrog
1595] Pink cockatoo
1596] Pintail
1597] Pipefish
1598] Piranha
1599] Pit bull terrier
1600] Pitta
1601] Planaria
1602] Plantain squirrel
1603] Platypus
1604] Plesiosaur
1605] Plover
1606] Plovercrest hummingbird
1607] Plumbeous kite
1608] Pochard
1609] Pocket gopher
1610] Poison frog
1611] Poison spider
1612] Polar bear
1613] Pomeranian
1614] Pony
1615] Poodle
1616] Poongsan dog
1617] Poplar admiral butterfly
1618] Porcupine
1619] Porkfish
1620] Portuguese man-of-war

1665] Quoll
1666] Rabbit
1667] Raccoon
1668] Raccoon dog
1669] Racket-tailed roller
1670] Rafinesques big-eared bat
1671] Rail
1672] Rainbow bee-eater
1673] Rainbow boa
1674] Rainbow lorikeet
1675] Rainbow trout
1676] Ratel
1677] Ratsnake
1678] Rattle snake
1679] Raven
1680] Razorbill
1681] Red-backed salamander
1682] Red-backed spider
1683] Red-backed vole
1684] Red-banded prawn-goby
1685] Red-bellied black snake
1686] Red-bellied lemur
1687] Red-bellied woodpecker
1688] Red-billed pintail
1689] Red-breasted merganser
1690] Red-breasted sapsucker
1691] Red-cheeked myna
1692] Red-cockaded woodpecker
1693] Red-crested pochard
1694] Red-crowned crane
1695] Red-eared turtle
1696] Red-eyed bulbul
1697] Red-eyed tree frog
1698] Red-footed booby
1699] Red-fronted parakeet
1700] Red-headed poison frog
1701] Red-headed ratsnake
1702] Red-headed woodpecker
1703] Red-lored Amazon parrot
1704] Red-necked grebe
1705] Red-necked pademelon
1706] Red-necked stint
1707] Red-rumped swallow
1708] Red-shouldered hawk
1709] Red-sided garter snake
1710] Red-tailed black cockatoo
1711] Red-tailed boa
1712] Red-tailed Catfish
1713] Red-tailed hawk
1714] Red-tailed tropicbird
1715] Red-throated caracara
1716] Red-throated loon
1717] Red admiral butterfly
1718] Red coral
1719] Red forest rat
1720] Red fox
1721] Red goshawk
1722] Red hind grouper
1723] Red howler monkey
1724] Red knee tarantula

1769] Robber fly
1770] Robin
1771] Rock beauty angelfish
1772] Rock dove
1773] Rock hopper penguin
1774] Rock hyrax
1775] Rock iguana
1776] Rock ptarmigan
1777] Rockfish
1778] Rocky mountain goat
1779] Roe deer
1780] Roller
1781] Romper
1782] Rook
1783] Rooster
1784] Rose-breasted goose
1785] Rose-breasted grosbeak
1786] Roseate spoonbill
1787] Rosella
1788] Rosy-billed pochard
1789] Rosy boa
1790] Rottweiler
1791] Rough-legged hawk
1792] Rough green snake
1793] Roughskin sculpin
1794] Roul-roul partridge
1795] Royal gramma
1796] Ruby-throated hummingbird
1797] Ruddy crake
1798] Ruddy ground dove
1799] Ruddy kingfisher
1800] Ruddy shelduck
1801] Ruddy turnstone
1802] Ruffed grouse
1803] Ruffed lemur
1804] Rufous-beaked snake
1805] Rufous-fronted fantail
1806] Rufous hummingbird
1807] Ruppell's vulture
1808] Russell's lionfish
1809] Russet sparrow
1810] Russian flying squirrel
1811] Russian ratsnake
1812] Rusty-spotted cat
1813] Saber-toothed tiger
1814] Sable antelope
1815] Sable marten
1816] Sacred ibis
1817] Saffron toucanet
1818] Saiga
1819] Sailfish
1820] Saint Bernard
1821] Salamander
1822] Sally lightfoot crab
1823] Salmon-crested cockatoo
1824] Salmon
1825] Saltwater crocodile
1826] Sambar
1827] Samoyed
1828] Sand cat

1873] Seminole bat
1874] Senegal dove
1875] Sergeant Major
1876] Serval
1877] Seven-spotted ladybug
1878] Shark
1879] Sharp-shinned hawk
1880] Shaw's cowfish
1881] Shearwater
1882] Sheep
1883] Shell
1884] Shepherd
1885] Shetland sheepdog
1886] Shield bug
1887] Shoebill stork
1888] Short-eared owl
1889] Short-nosed echidna
1890] Short-tailed albatross
1891] Short-tailed hawk
1892] Short-tailed shrew
1893] Short horned grasshopper
1894] Shortraker rockfish
1895] Shoveler
1896] Shrew
1897] Shrimp
1898] Shy albatross
1899] Siamang
1900] Siamese cat
1901] Siberian chipmunk
1902] Siberian jay
1903] Siberian rubythroat
1904] Siberian tiger
1905] Siberian weasel
1906] Siberian white crane
1907] Sidewinder
1908] Sifaka
1909] Sika deer
1910] Silkworm
1911] Silver-haired bat
1912] Silver pheasant
1913] Silver salmon
1914] Silvertip shark
1915] Sinosauropteryx
1916] Siskin
1917] Sitatunga
1918] Sixspot goby
1919] Skink
1920] Skunk
1921] Skylark
1922] Slaty-backed gull
1923] Slender-billed kite
1924] Slender-billed shearwater
1925] Slender-snouted crocodile
1926] Slender salamander
1927] Sloth
1928] Sloth bear
1929] Slow loris
1930] Slug
1931] Small king dragonfly
1932] Smallmouth grunt

1977] Spider
1978] Spider monkey
1979] Spiny-tailed monitor
1980] Spiny lobster
1981] Spiny softshell
1982] Spirontocaris shrimp
1983] Spitting cobra
1984] Spixs Macaw
1985] Sponge
1986] Spoonbill
1987] Spot-billed toucanet
1988] Spot-fin porcupinefish
1989] Spotbill
1990] Spotfin lionfish
1991] Spotted bat
1992] Spotted cleaner shrimp
1993] Spotted cuscus
1994] Spotted dolphin
1995] Spotted eagle
1996] Spotted flycatcher
1997] Spotted hyena
1998] Spotted owl
1999] Spotted salamander
200] Spotted skunk
2001] Spotted towhee
2002] Spotted trunkfish
2003] Spotted turtle
2004] Springbok
2005] Springhare
2006] Spruce grouse
2007] Spur thigh tortoise
2008] Squacco heron
2009] Squid
2010] Squirrel
2011] Squirrel monkey
2012] Squirrel treefrog
2013] St Vincent Amazon parrot
2014] Stag beetle
2015] Staghorn coral
2016] Stalk-eyed fly
2017] Star-nosed mole
2018] Starfish
2019] Starling
2020] Steel barbel
2021] Steely-vented hummingbird
2022] Steenbok
2023] Stegosaurus
2024] Steller jay
2025] Steller's sea eagle
2026] Stick insect
2027] Stickleback
2028] Stilt
2029] Stink bug
2030] Stinkpot
2031] Stint
2032] Stone marten
2033] Stonefly
2034] Stork
2035] Storm petrel
2036] Straw-necked ibis

2081] Tawny frogmouth
2082] Tawny owl
2083] Taylor's cantil
2084] Tayra
2085] Teal
2086] Temminck's Courser
2087] Temmincks golden cat
2088] Tenrec
2089] Tern
2090] Terrapin
2091] Terrier
2092] Texas coral snake
2093] Texas freshwater crayfish
2094] Texas tortoise
2095] Thomson gazelle
2096] Thorny devil
2097] Thread-winged lacewing
2098] Threadfin butterflyfish
2099] Three-banded armadillo
2100] Three-spined stickleback
2101] Three-toed sloth
2102] Thrush
2103] Tick
2104] Tiger
2105] Tiger beetle
2106] Tiger oscar
2107] Tiger ratsnake
2108] Tiger salamander
2109] Tiger shark
2110] Timber rattlesnake
2111] Timor monitor
2112] Timor python
2113] Toad
2114] Toadbug
2115] Toco toucan
2116] Tody
2117] Tomato frog
2118] Topmouth gudgeon
2119] Tortoise
2120] Toucan
2121] Toucanet
2122] Towhee
2123] Tragopan pheasant
2124] Trap-door spider
2125] Tree creeper
2126] Tree duck
2127] Tree frog
2128] Tree kangaroo
2129] Tree shrew
2130] Tree sparrow
2131] Tree squirrel
2132] Triceratops
2133] Tricolor flycatcher
2134] Tricolor poison dart frog
2135] Tricolored heron
2136] Triggerfish
2137] Trilobite
2138] Tripod fish
2139] Tropical fish
2140] Tropical rattlesnake

2185] Waterdragon
2186] Waterthrush
2187] Watusi cattle
2188] Waxwing
2189] Weasel
2190] Weaver
2191] Wedge-tailed eagle
2192] Weedy seadragon
2193] Wenteltrap
2194] Western banded gecko
2195] Western bluebird
2196] Western box turtle
2197] Western gray squirrel
2198] Western grebe
2199] Western gull
2200] Western hognose snake
2201] Western rattlesnake
2202] Western spadefoot toad
2203] Western swamp tortoise
2204] Western tanager
2205] Whale
2206] Whale shark
2207] Whimbrel
2208] Whip-poor-will
2209] Whippet
2210] Whipsnake
2211] Whiptail lizard
2212] Whistling swan
2213] White-backed woodpecker
2214] White-bellied bustard
2215] White-bellied sea eagle
2216] White-breasted nuthatch
2217] White-cheeked turaco
2218] White-crowned sparrow
2219] White-eared hummingbird
2220] White-faced pied wagtail
2221] White-footed mouse
2222] White-fronted goose
2223] White-headed plover
2224] White-headed vulture
2225] White-naped crane
2226] White-nosed guenon
2227] White-nosed loach
2228] White-tailed eagle
2229] White-tailed hawk
2230] White-tailed kite
2231] White-tailed ptarmigan
2232] White-throated bee-eater
2233] White-throated capuchin
2234] White-throated sparrow
2235] White-winged crossbill
2236] White-winged guan
2237] White butterfly
2238] White eye
2239] White goat
2240] White horse
2241] White lion
2242] White rhinoceros
2243] White tail deer
2244] White tiger

2289] Yellow-legged gull
2290] Yellow-throated bunting
2291] Yellow-throated marten
2292] Yellow-throated warbler
2293] Yellow amata moth
2294] Yellow anaconda
2295] Yellow armadillo
2296] Yellow eyed viper
2297] Yellow golden mole
2298] Yellow jacket
2299] Yellow tang
2300] Yellow wagtail
2301] Yellowhead wrasse
2302] Yellowtail damselfish
2303] Yellowtail snapper
2304] Yokohama Braconid wasp
2305] Zaire duiker
2306] Zebra
2307] Zebra butterfly
2308] Zebra duiker
2309] Zebra finch
2310] Zebra longwing
2311] Zebra shark
2312] Zone-tailed kite
2313] Zorilla

[2314 total choices : PGUP/PGDN to navigate]

Страница 22

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 22

Which interrogation technique do you think would be most effective on you?
01] Going Next Door
02] Pain
03] Nobody Loves You
04] The All-Seeing Eye
05] The Barbering Curriculum
06] The Informer
07] News from Home
08] The Witness
09] Joint Suspects
10] The Big Bang
11] Pearls Before Swine
12] Chicken Button
13] Death Eats a Sandwich
14] Hammerhead
15] Hammerhand
16] Fried Hole
17] Hangri-La
18] Ivan Is a Dope
19] Joint Interrogators
20] Law of Partial Pressure
21] The Spinoza
22] Gospel Shark
23] Cloud Cuckoo Land
24] The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing
25] Good Cop / Ventriloquist Cop
26] Alice in Wonderland
27] Monster Polygraph
28] Confession is Good for the Soul
29] Silver Tongued Devil
30] Deep Sea Diver
31] Pay The Piper
32] Federal Bikini Inspector
33] Big Wig
34] Carlsbad Caverns
35] The Boy Who Cried
36] Goonland
37] Role-Role Theory
38] Zipf's Law
39] Stream of Unconsciousness
40] Flash in the Pan
41] The Little Bird
42] Welcome to Bethany
43] Ampere's Rule
44] The Dental Assistant

Страница 23

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 23

Have you experienced recurrent thoughts of regicide?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 24

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 24

If you answered 'yes' to the previous question, please rate the following statement: I know what 'regicide' means.

1] Strongly Disagree
2] Disagree
3] Agree
4] Strongly Agree
5] N/A

Страница 25

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 25

You are a liar:

1] Can't Honestly Disagree
2] Agree
3] Strongly Agree

Страница 26

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 26

Can you flash your ROM?

1] Yes
2] No

Страница 27

Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 27

Please acknowledge before continuing:

I understand that my responses to all items in this questionnaire are the property of Aperture Science. As such, they will remain strictly confidential, though they may be used to distribute prizes and/or initiate, prolong, or modify the invasive properties of authorized questioning, investigation, testing, and surveillance.

1] I have read all or most of the above.

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Are you functionally incapacitated by witnessing other people's misery?

1] Yes
2] No

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Do you get pleasure from solitary pursuits?

1] Yes
2] No

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 30

What is your favorite flatware for, purely as an example, eating cake?

01] Spoon
02] Fork
03] Salad Fork
04] Meat Fork
05] Cocktail Fork
06] Dessert Fork
07] Banquet Fork
08] Serving Fork
09] Fish Fork
10] Table Fork
11] Pastry Fork
12] Knife

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What is your favorite number between 31 and 37?

1] 31
2] 32
3] 33
4] 34
5] 35
6] 36
7] 37

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Do you trust yourself?

1] Yes
2] No

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In case you forget your UIN(+L) and need to retrieve it later, please list a crime that only you would know that you have committed:

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How often do you exercise?

01] Every Day
02] Every Other Day
03] Twice Weekly
04] Weekly
05] Twice a Month
06] Monthly
07] Yearly
08] Every Few Years
09] Once a Decade
10] Once

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If you disappeared tomorrow would anyone miss you?

1] Yes
2] No

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Would you like to use a prism to study light?

1] Yes
2] No

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Do you feel depressed, guilty, or remorseful?

1] Yes
2] No

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Do you ever have feelings that people are talking about you or watching you?

1] Yes
2] No

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 39

Rate the pain you have been able to withstand without losing consciousness:

01] 1- Slight Pain
02] 2
03] 3
04] 4
05] 5 - Regular Pain
06] 6
07] 7
08] 8
09] 9
10] 10 - Worst Pain Imaginable

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 40

Complete the following statement with the answer that DOES NOT apply to you:
I am often:

01] worried that life is vague and unreal
02] suspicious of the actions of others
03] prejudiced in favor of my own department, lab, product, skin color, etc.
04] convinced that nobody really cares about me
05] disturbed by the noise of the wind
06] enraged by the petty foibles of those around me
07] irritated by my past failures and children
08] too depressed to kill an animal or colleague in order to put it out of its pain
09] convinced of the correctness of my opinions on subjects about which I am not an expert
10] speaking very slowly for no apparent reason

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On a scale of 12 to 11, with the 12 possible choices arranged as on the face of a clock, how would you rate your awareness of any habitual physical mannerisms such as tugging your ear or hair, eye twitches, hand
spasms, etc.?

01] 12
02] 1
03] 2
04] 3
05] 4
06] 5
07] 6
08] 7
09] 8
10] 9
11] 10
12] 11

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First Pet's Name:

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Do you regularly experience deja vu?

1] Yes
2] No

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Complete this sentence,

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Do you feel bad that you have let your coworkers and/or larger mandated collective down?

1] Yes
2] No

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 46

Pick the sentence that incorrectly employs the word 'excruciating'.

1] The test caused excruciating pain.
2] The participant felt excruciating pain.
3] I like to eat cake while excruciating.

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 47

Choose the correct inspiration for this inspirational phrase, “You can succeed best and quickest by going it alone.”

1] Purpose
2] Patience
3] Success
4] Endurance
5] Courage
6] Teamwork

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Form FORMS-EN-2873-FORM - Page 48

I express my opinions, even if others in the group disagree with me:

1] Almost never
2] Rarely
3] Sometimes
4] Quite often
5] Most of the time

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Pick your favorite type of cake.
01] Angel food cake
02] Apple cake
03] Babka
04] Battenburg cake
05] Baumkuchen
06] Birthday cake
07] Black Forest cake
08] Buccellato
09] Bundt cake
10] Butter cake
11] Butterfly cake
12] Carrot cake
13] Cheesecake
14] Chocolate cake
15] Christmas cake
16] Chiffon cake
17] Croquembouche
18] Cupcake
19] Date and walnut loaf
20] Devil's food cake
21] Eccles cake
22] Fairy cake
23] Fifteens
24] Fruit cake
25] Sponge cake
26] Génoise Cake
27] Gingerbread
28] Gob
29] Gooey butter cake
30] Honey cake
31] Hot milk cake
32] Hummingbird cake
33] Ice cream cake
34] Jaffa Cakes
35] Suncake
36] Mooncake
37] Orehnjac(a
38] Pancake
39] Panettone
40] Petit fours
41] Pineapple Upside Down Cake
42] Pound cake
43] Queen Elizabeth cake
44] Red bean cake
45] Red velvet cake
46] Rhubarb cake
47] Sachertorte
48] St. Honore Cake
49] Simnel cake
50] Spice cake
51] German chocolate cake
52] Stack cake
53] Leavened cake, Hefekuchen
54] Tarte Tatin
55] Teacake
56] Tres leches cake
57] Vanilla slice
58] Vanilla Crazy Cake
59] Victoria Sponge
60] Wedding cake

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Please REMAIN AT YOUR WORKSTATION until a Computer-Aided-Enrichment Crisis Team arrives.
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