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Реплики турелей на английском языке

This is a complete list of the Turret voice lines from Portal and Portal 2.

Turret fire

Turrets being launched into the air​

Turrets blocked by Hard Light Bridge
These lines are unused.

Turrets being zapped by the Thermal Discouragement Beam​

Turret Being Smashed
Turrets Witnessing a Turret Die
These lines remain unused in Portal 2.

Turret factory​

Turrets aiming at the mannequin​

Template Turret​

Turret voice response test​

Failed Turrets​

Turret Sound effects​

Turret Found its Target​

These lines are subtitled as "Activated!"

Turrets Searching​

These lines are subtitled as "Search mode activated!"

Colliding Turrets​

These lines are subtitled as "Coming through!"

Turrets Deploying​

These lines are subtitled as "Deploying!"

Turret Deaths​

These lines are subtitled as "Critical Error!"

Turrets being picked up​

These lines are subtitled as "Put me down!"

Turret Deactivation​

These lines are subtitled as "Target lost!" except for the toilet in Portal, which is subtitled as "Your business is appreciated." as it has a different file name, even though it says the same thing.

Turret Lost its Target​

These lines are subtitled as "Searching!"

Turret being disintegrated in the Fizzler​

Turrets being shot by other Turrets​

These lines are subtitled as "Hey! It's me!"

Turrets being Tipped Over​

These lines are subtitled as "Ouch!"

Turrets 'Suppressing' the player​

These go unused in both games, but were found in the Portal beta. The cause of what plays these quotes is still unknown.

Final chamber of the Co-op Course Mobility Gels​

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