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Полный список обновлений Portal 2

В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.

January 17, 2023​

Portal 2​

  • Minor code maintenance, no customer-facing changes.

Undocumented changes​

  • Renamed the soundtrack folder from {install_dir}/Soundtrack to {install_dir}/soundtrack.

January 5, 2024​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed several remote code execution and crash exploits against co-op partners. All reported via HackerOne.
  • Fixed a regression in targeting some entities with the ping tool.

February 2, 2024​

Patch 1​

  • Fixed several exploits that could crash a coop partner's game. All reported via HackerOne.

Patch 2​

  • Fixed not being able to play local splitscreen.

June 3, 2024​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed some exploits that could lead to crashes or remote code execution against a co-op partner. Reported via HackerOne.
В этой теме нельзя размещать новые ответы.
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