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Полный список обновлений Portal 2

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October 31, 2018
Portal 2
An update has been released for Portal 2
  • Fixed possible remote code execution exploits.
  • Fixed potential buffer overflow in closed captions.
Reported via HackerOne.
September 30, 2019
Portal 2
  • Added support for device specific glyphs from Steam Input API for PlayStation and Switch Pro Controllers.
  • Added digital navigation to the community test chamber browser and workshop map voting screens for Steam Input API and XInput controllers.
  • Fixed several state transitions where the user could get stuck and require mouse or keyboard to clear it.
  • Fixed a case that could leave XInput controllers without control of the camera.
  • Fixed a material rendering issue on Linux and OSX.
  • Fixed several potential exploits reported via HackerOne.
Обновление от 30 сентября 2019
Portal 2

  • Добавлена поддержка глифов для конкретных устройств из Steam Input API для контроллеров PlayStation и Switch Pro;
  • Для контроллеров Steam Input API и XInput добавлена цифровая навигация в просмотрщике испытательных камер сообщества и экраны голосования за карты из мастерской;
  • Исправлено несколько переходов между состояниями, при которых пользователь может застрять и требовалась мышь или клавиатура для очистки;
  • Исправлена ошибка, когда контроллеры XInput переставали управлять камерой;
  • Исправлена ошибка с визуализацией материалов на Linux и OSX;
  • Исправлено несколько потенциальных уязвимостей, о которых сообщалось через HackerOne.
October 1, 2019
Portal 2
  • Fixed a write path issue preventing maps from compiling.
Обновление от 1 октября 2019
Portal 2
  • Исправлена ошибка записи пути, препятствующая компиляции карт.

November 20, 2019


  • Fixed an issue where in-game audio caption language would use the system language setting instead of the Steam language setting.

Controller support

  • Improved camera control through Steam Input – the sensitivity scale has changed so you may need to increase your configuration’s sensitivity.
  • Add local coop support for one controller player and one Mouse/Keyboard player.
  • Add local coop support from the community coop map queue. Quickplay is still not supported.
  • Fix XInput related options being hidden when connecting a Steam Input enabled controller using a Gamepad configuration.
  • Fix the challenge mode screen not having enough footer buttons available through Steam Input.
  • Fix several more bugs where the incorrect action set could be set in Steam Input.
  • Fix several cases where having a controller connected but not active would affect the glyphs and settings screen options.

May 1, 2020​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed controller input bugs in Puzzlemaker.
  • Fixed a graphics bug on some DirectX 10 level hardware.
  • Updated localization strings.

July 9, 2020​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed issue with recent workshop maps that prevented voting on them or advancing past them in the quick queue.
  • Fixed workshop map thumbnails not loading in the community map voting dialog.
  • Removed workshop map download limits for subscribed maps introduced in the last update, and increased the limit for the history queue to 500 by default. The history queue size is also now a convar, cm_max_history_chambers, so it can be increased if desired.

February 18, 2021​

Portal 2​


  • Implemented a Vulkan render backend (currently accessible through the -vulkan command line parameter).
  • Improved compile time for Perpetual Training Initiative puzzles.
  • Improved advanced video settings descriptions.
  • Made the game Hi-DPI aware.
  • Smarter default video settings.
  • Improved resolution of player avatars throughout the game.
  • Players can now be invited to play co-op on controller.
  • Button text contrast and padding has been improved when using a controller.
  • Implemented a 360° Spin action.
  • The portalgun is now correctly affected by dynamic lights (projected textures) in the scene.
  • Improved client-side prediction for coop play.
  • Added the ability for workshop levels to pack particles into their map with a particles/map_manifest.txt
  • Misc. rendering optimizations.
  • Added an icon to the game on Linux.
  • Removed the "Trading Coming Soon" button.

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed a crash on startup that could happen on Linux.
  • Fixed a crash that could occur in some community test chambers using BEEMod on Linux.
  • Fixed the credits being corrupted on Linux.
  • Fixed the intro videos for acts 2 and 3 not playing on Linux.
  • Fixed the game starting in the top left corner of the screen on Linux.
  • Fixed a crash in the PeTI if you placed a light strip above a laser catcher on the floor and linked it to a fizzler.
  • Fixed the fizzler not playing the retract animation when turned off in new PeTI maps.
  • Fixed being able to copy 'uncopyable' items in the PeTI leading to invalid/broken levels.
  • Fixed some items in PeTI not maintaining their portalability state when expanding the chamber boundaries.
  • Fixed a crash if PeTI avatars could not be retrieved.
  • Fixed Cave Johnson's lines not progressing when playing queued workshop levels.
  • Fixed a memory leak that could occur when changing levels.
  • Fixed a bug where you could no longer ping/taunt via mouse/keyboard if you have ever used a controller.
  • Fixed the ping menu being visible when quick pinging on controller.
  • Fixed the game instructor not respecting input types for respective players in split-screen mode.
  • Fixed rumble not being respected for respective players in split-screen mode.
  • Fixed the wrong avatar being used if playing coop after playing a workshop level.
  • Fixed the OnFiredPortal2 output not firing.
  • Fixed some text being duplicated on the screen multiple times.

March 1, 2021​

Portal 2​


  • Improved Vulkan implementation
    • Overall performance improvements
    • Massively improved performance with Anti-Aliasing (MSAA) on AMD
  • Made the intro video skippable by any button on a Steam Controller
  • Added controller glpyhs to the main menu when using a controller

Bug Fixes​

  • Fixed the Super 8 teaser not playing on Linux
  • Fixed certain Unicode characters being displayed as garbage on Linux
  • Fixed text corruption in the challenge mode UI on Linux
  • Fixed a crash that could occur wrt. networking on Linux
  • Fixed the text color in advanced video settings not respecting the dark panel UI variant
  • Fixed Model/Texture detail defaulting to Low in Vulkan mode
  • Fixed the challenge mode timer being cut off
  • Fixed a crash after trying to play a demo without having the respective map
  • Fixed a crash when trying to load invalid VPKs

March 2, 2021​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed a bug with broken voice overs in languages that have voice localizations (Russian, French, Spanish and German)
  • Fixed the audio settings being unusable in languages other than English
  • Compiled cubemaps on a3_crazy_box
  • Fixed a bug with broken text on the PeTI map selection
  • Potentially fixed motion pack DLC failing to launch

May 17, 2021​

Portal 2​

  • Fixed custom maps with no lights disabling lighting for the rest of the play session
  • Fixed Model Viewer and Face Poser not opening
  • Fixed demo playback for workshop maps
  • Fixed some text corruption related to UTF-8 conversion in some instances on Linux
  • Moved the 32-bit Linux binaries into linux32
  • Misc. rendering and other optimizations
  • Removed the 100MB workshop level file size limit
  • Added a +bench_demo [name] <stats output> command line parameter which will run a demo, and quit after it is finished.
  • Added a -bench_settings [name] command line parameter to load a cfg/video_bench_{name}.txt file containing settings to load. There are a set of defaults provided, very_high_4k, very_high, high, medium and low.

January 31, 2022​

Portal 2 / Authoring Tools​

  • UI improvements for Steam Deck support
  • Improved performance of controller polling
  • Other general in-game performance improvements
  • Fixed a misaligned stack pointer crash in Miles audio
  • Fixed input action set selection when switching between game and Puzzle Maker
  • Fixed some Squirrel engine exploits, reported via HackerOne
  • Guard against maps with corrupt mark surfaces, caused by some external tools
  • Update Steam SDK
  • Updated to DXVK Native 1.9.2a

February 24, 2022​

Portal 2​

  • Updated controller support
  • Fixed a crash in controller vibration
  • Fixed a crash in a sound mixer
  • Fixed a stale material pointer crash
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